We asked our customers what the top reasons were for choosing 360 Protective Marking and this is what they told us.

Document classification is the process of labelling – or tagging – documents using categories, depending on their content.

Only by classifying the information your organisation owns can you adequately protect its value. If you don’t classify it, your information and its inherent value is at risk of being lost.

360 Protective Marking is an add-in for Microsoft Office and HCL Notes that enforces positive classification of documents/emails at the point of save, print and send.

We asked our customers what the top reasons were for choosing 360 Protective Marking:

  • Affordability
  • Ease of implementation
  • Ability to force users to stop and think about the classification of data
  • Ability to stop data that is sensitive going to unsecure email accounts

360 Protective Marking for Microsoft Exchange, Outlook, Office, and IBM Notes

360 Protective Marking enables Public Sector organisations and suppliers to meet the UK Government Security Classifications requirements for the latest email and office software releases, including: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ISO 27001 (the international information security standard), Government Security Classification Policy (GPMS), Government Protective Marking Scheme, etc.

360 Protective Marking is used by Tier 2 UK Banks, Police Forces, Government, and private sector organisation in the UK and abroad.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like a free trial of our software.

See our new website dedicated to email and document classification.